Supporting Animal Charities
10% of proceeds from our sales go to animal charities
We care passionately about animals and animal welfare and want our sculpture to raise awareness, and support for animals everywhere. So 10% of the proceeds of all our sales, both big and small, go to these charities. Sales of dog sculptures go to the Dogs Trust, other domestic and farm animals go to All Creatures Great and Small, and wildlife to the David Shepherd Wildlife Trust.

Dogs Trust
We care for over 15,000 dogs each year, rehoming dogs in need through a network of 20 rehoming centres. Most dogs find loving new homes within about six weeks but those who need a little extra care are always safe with us because we never destroy a healthy dog.
The Dogs Trust has been involved in every piece of UK legislation affecting dogs over the past 126 years. Our mission is to bring about the day when all dogs can enjoy a happy life, free from the threat of unnecessary destruction.

David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation
Our charity fights for greater legal protection of endangered species and funds international cross-border enforcement programmes. It also campaigns to bring an end to the trade in animal parts of endangered species, equipping and training rangers to protect vulnerable wildlife populations from poachers.
The David Shepherd Wildlife Trust helps rescue and return wildlife to the wild when found orphaned or in the hands of poachers. And because protection for animals in the future must be sustainable, we support research into human wildlife conflict, teach young people about endangered wildlife through art and education projects, and enable and empower local communities to better protect their native wildlife.

All Creatures Great and Small animal sanctuary
We rehabilitate and rehome injured, abused, unwanted and orphaned animals. We have over 100 resident animals of all types that live happily at our sanctuary. These include, Horses, Shetland Ponies, Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Ferrets, Guinea Pigs, Rabbits, Rats, Cats & Birds.
We don’t operate a euthanasia policy – it’s only ever carried out to prevent suffering. All Creatures Great and Small is completely reliant on the kindness and generosity of members of the public in order to keep the sanctuary open and care for all our animals.

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